Q: How do I get more power out of my '94 Club Car gas?

According to Roger:

First you need to make sure there are not any car issues to start with. Be sure to check compression, governor settings, full throttle, over charging, drive belt, drive clutch, driven clutch, engine alignment, brake drag and fuel system for foul gas or intake air leaks.

Assuming all is well, we can then do the following to increase torque (power):

  •    - Set governed rpm's to 3,000

  •    - Install power kit to the driven clutch

  •    - Install clutch tuning kit to drive clutch for higher engagement

  •    - Install torque gears (1994 should be Kawasaki)

  •    - Install limited slip to drive unit

Golf Cart Power Kit Club Car
Power Kit
Golf Cart Clutch Tuning Kit Club Car
Clutch Tuning Kit
Golf Cart Torque Gears Club Car
Torque Gears