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The Club Car Curtis Solenoid for DS and Precedent is the most used part on your golf cart. The accelerator pedal microswitch gets activated just as much, but it does not handle nearly the current. This relay has two different circuits; the smaller of the two is referred to as the activation. It has a few tiny wires running to it and a diode separating the terminals. This unit prevents a back feed of negative voltage down the positive line, which could short a switch or your controller. The more significant posts have big cables running to them. There is one coming from the battery and the other to the B+ lug. The function of the contactor is to act as a gateway between voltage and the rest of the caddie.This golf cart solenoid is easy to install. It will be identical to the one on the cart as long as it is the Club Car OEM relay. If you have any questions, as always, please call an expert at Buggies Unlimited for help.