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Hunting season is right around the corner. It is like opening presents on your birthday when our boots touch the soil for the first time of the season. You can feel the excitement in the air. That opening day is always a crowded one. No one really expects to get anything; they are just happy to be back out there. Over the next few weeks, things will thin out, and your chances will get better. The one thing you want to avoid is the sideways looks from fellow hunters when you ride by on your golf cart that's missing the Club Car DS Buff Seat Back Assembly. Sure, you don't need it, but it's a lot more comfortable with it installed.This golf cart seat back is an elementary part to install. It is an exact clone of the Club Car OEM part. So taking it off will be an excellent instructional on how to install the new one. Give us a call at Buggies Unlimited today and get your DS replacement assembly ordered.